We care for the health of your skin
2121 Santa Monica Blvd.​, ​(Garden Level), Santa Monica, CA 90404
Tel: 310-449-5265 - Fax: 562-261-1059

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin

NASA helps Dr. Lee analyze DNA in the breast’s ductal systems, which produce milk and secrete a substance called nipple aspirate fluid.

You are only a click away from the most amazing skin

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." - Benjamin Franklin
Dr. Delphine Lee, M.D., Ph.D, focuses on the health and wellness of your skin, hair and nails. The skin is the largest and most exposed organ of the body, susceptible to infection, cancer and autoimmunity. As an expert in how the immune system functions, Dr. Lee emphasizes prevention and early diagnosis.
Areas of Special Interest
​​Autoimmune Diseases (Blistering diseases, Vitiligo, Complicated rashes)
Melanoma, esp. immune therapy for skin metastases
Complex Medical Dermatology
Community news
Dr. Lee and her colleague Dr. Diaz published their new study, N-Myristoytransferase Inhibition Causes Mitochondrial Iron Overload and Parthanatos in TIM17A-Dependent Aggressive Lung Carcinoma, July 25, 2024.
Dr. Lee lectures at The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation's Lunch & Learn series on "Serendipity favors the prepared: Innovations in Cancer Therapy" on March 14, 2024.
Dr. Lee and her team's computational analyses leads to robust associations of the skin microbiome with psoriasis using their uniform bioinformatics pipeline and reference database, published in Quantitative Aggregation of Microbiome Sequencing Data Provides Insights into the Associations between the Skin Microbiome and Psoriasis; JID Innovations January 2024 issue.
Dr. Lee discusses "What's New in Vitiligo Treatment" at the 2023 CalDerm Annual Symposium on September 23, 2023
Dr. Lee chats with Kym Douglas on Your Healthy Dose podcast episode "Getting under your skin" on all things about skin health, sponsored by Saint John’s Health Center Foundation on June 16, 2023
Dr. Lee lectures to medical students at Rowan School of Osteopathic Medicine on "Lessons from the study of Large Populations: the powerful value of cohorts" on January 20,2020
Dr. Lee is the Director of the Dermatological Center for Skin Health with expertise in complicated skin rashes and skin cancer. She treats her private patients at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica. She is also the Chief of Dermatology and Residency Program Director at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California.
​Under Dr. Lee’s direction, investigators on her team at the Lundquist Institute are respected researchers whose expertise extend well beyond cancer, allowing them to draw parallels between the inappropriate immune responses causing diseases: both cancer and non-cancerous. A key focus of her laboratory is to investigate how microbes and other small molecules affect antitumor immune responses and autoimmunity/autoinflammation. Research involves cutting edge basic science and computational techniques to study and manipulate the immune system in melanoma, breast cancer, and other inflammatory skin conditions.